Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas Time in the City

Yeah that's right. Christmas is over. You can stop your bitching about your shitty presents and just be happy you are alive.

Went home for Christmas.
My Grandmother had a heart-attack Christmas Morning due to a blockage in two arteries to her heart. In church she had chest pains(center of her chest and her shoulder/upper back), so they sent her to the hospital. My family called her heart doctor who wanted the Attending to call A.S.A.P and have her transported to another hospital WAY better suited for her needs. After 1 hour, some X-Rays(I think), an EKG, two consultations with a nurse and the Attending(both who seemed like they thought she was faking and would rather be home drinking and eating pork-rinds), and a fuck-load of complaint's (from my family who wanted the doctor to call), the Attending finally called back her heart doctor and released her to be transported to the better equipped hospital.

She was being transported from a shitty, bullshit hospital that couldn't handle her medical requirements to one of the top 100 cardiology hospitals in the country which was about 40 minutes away. The ambulance drove traffic speed(65/Highway) with no lights on. 10 minutes into the drive my grandma then had a full heart attack and died on the table. The used paddles to bring her back and had to take her back to that bullshit hospital, yet again, to be stabilized. When Gramma came back to that bullshit hospital I'm sure the Attending said to himself "Oh shit, this is serious maybe I should have given her more than aspirin!". After she was stabilized with a foot massage and a single fuzzy sock she was then transported safely in an ambulance which had it's "We F'd up lights on" going faster than traffic, IN THE FAST LANE!! Gramma gets some amazing service, I tell yah what.

A word about this hospital.
I can sum up the mentality of this shitty, bullshit hospital in one sentence.
"What's this button do". Not kidding, this hospital was better suited to handle toys, not ever good toys, like toys that you find in the snow outside of a Taco Bell.

Immediately the doctors looked at the X-RAYS from the shitty, bullshit hospital and said she had VERY APPARENTLY had a heart attack before the one she had in the ambulance.

After a stent was used to open up her blocked artery, she feels much better. She gets another done this week. She'll be ok.


Blogger Dan said...

For both your and her sake, I'm glad she's going to be okay, but I have to say that unfortunately she may never be the same again. Usually one heart attack can drastically change the way a person lives their life. She may start moving a lot more slowly, and I guess she now has an increased risk for a stroke.

Like I've already told you in person, I'm really really sorry to hear of your bad news, especially during the holliday time.

Ryan, I wish you, your grandmother, and the rest of you family the best of health.

2:29 PM  

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