Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Movie Review: Man on Fire(2004)

Movie: Man on fire
Starring: Denzel Washington, That girl from I Am Sam
Tagline: none...yet

I thought it was a friggin cool movie. Denzel is hired to be the bodyguard of a little girl(That girl from I Am Sam) in Meh-heeco. When she is kid-napped all hell breaks loose. This is where I started actually paying attention to the movie. I'm not going to say why.. just watch.

I've heard that people don't like his(Denzel's) movies because of the story-line or supporting actors. Well I'll tell you what; If you like an actor go see the damned movie. 8 out of 10 times if the movie is bad, it's because your favorite actor was bad.

Tagline should be: "There is something on fire.... most likely it's a man"


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