Thursday, October 21, 2004

I Love My Resume

Since resumes are so friggin important to get a job that you really need to personalize it and make it a written version of you......'re working life.

I've gone through 4 different formats. These can represent stages of life:

one'st. "I have no job and I need one desperately" format.

This format is just a bunch of typed, shittily spelled, words thrown on a piece of paper. It has my address, home number, and references from 3 of the past 7 Mcdonalds I've worked at and their addresses. High School info, No personal references or anything.

two'nd. "I've had some good jobs but mostly labor work where I just did things with my hands - decent money though." format.

This one is a bit more organized. Better spelling but overall shorter because lack of time from working so much, that and you're so sunburned that you need to bathe in Aloe Vera gel. Most likely off the books so you are afraid to actually use that as experience and put it on the resume - feds might get you. Down to 2 of 7 Mcdonalds references. One personal reference and one professional from some guy who you helped jump his car outside of a bank.

three'rd. "Got my foot in the door doing something I'm not sure I want to do but pays well and I learn 'people' skills" format
Again, more organized some bullets, italics, bold here and there. You can finally afford Microsoft word or a computer that can handle running word - so ,naturally, spell checking is better. Fuck McDonalds, that's a kids job. You now have some people skills, group dynamics understanding, can type pretty fast, and you know how to freak out when people yell at you for something that you aren't even related to, and even worse, you care! One personal reference, two professional: Current boss, A guy in the office who's computer you fixed (that guy you helped at the bank turned out to be an asshole).

four'th. "I'm doing good. I'm happy, making dough, paying bills, new stuff, always looking for the next level" format
This is where I am now. This thing rox It's got a whole heading with my name, email, phone and cell numbers, address. Bullets, indentations, the works. Words are spelled right and I can actually put experience into categories. 2 personal/ 3 professional references. over 1 page. nicely done, looks good. Cover letter, friggin sweet.


Blogger Dan said...

I think I'm somewhere between two'nd and three'rd.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

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11:39 AM  

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