Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Who's Lying?

I have been thinking about this a lot as of late. Ever since somebody told me that we never really landed on the moon, I've been second guessing a lot. I've done research and wasted bullshit hours on some stupid theories.

Now, before you freak out on me and have a panic attack and get faint, I don't personally believe that we never made it to the moon. But, that's not the point of this blog.

My POINT is:

Who dictates what is true and false?

One example: I know that throughout grade school and even into high school we read history books. There is no argument that history books a slanted towards the country they are written in. History is a movie without the counteract. An object of abstract thought with some real characters but a shitload of made up ones to make the main characters seem better than they really are. I've heard a few times that: The actual truth lies between what these people think is the truth and what those people think is the truth.

So what's real and what isn't?

I don't like knowing that this country sees and event one way(the "Right" way) and other countries see the same exact event a different way(The "Wrong" Way) and that our way(The "Rightt" way) is always "Right".

Freedom to do whatever the fuck you want really has a tendency to garble the actual truth. It's a lot like looking down the street on a hot summer day. You think there is a white car moving towards you.. But actually it's just parked. The truth is, Yes there is a white car. The interpreter is the wavy heat rising from the hot street. You think you are seeing one thing but indeed you aren't.

One thing taught in Buddhism(No, this isn't a religious discussion) that really relates to this subject is: you need to understand what you are looking at before you take a long, head first jump, into a conclusion that isn't base on any facts other than (using the example above) there was indeed a white car. Was there someone in it? How fast was it moving? Very basic questions that you normally would need to answer before asking a general question.

Stop thinking that because your way works, it's the right way. War teaches us that's complete bullshit. The A-Bomb works wonderful because it works so damned well. Fuck, what about all the people who died from it? That's not a wonderful thing.

This is where your gut instinct comes into play. The internet has taught us a shitload about hoax's. You most likely can't believe a majority of the stuff on here. When does something feel like it's real to you?


Blogger Dan said...

Ryan, have you ever heard the phrase, "if you tell a lie enough times, it becomes the truth"? That's how brainwashing works.

I totally believe in that.

But then again, I don't feel the moon landing was staged. Next time I see you, if you'd like, I could show you evidence to the contrary.

1:53 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...


No matter how many times you tell a lie, it's still a lie right? You can make anyone believe anything. It is still a lie. That's what gullible means.

So, interesting thing we have now. You and your wife have a kid. As the kid grows up you tell him "Hey kid, the grass is always blue". So the kid grows up "knowing" the grass is always blue. You've told the kid a single blatant lie the whole time he is growing up. The kid "knows" grass is blue. The kid is now grown up and getting ready to go on his own. The first new person he sees he says "Beautiful Day! The Sun is a bright yellow, the air smells wonderful and the grass, well, i've never seen grass so blue." Based on the fact that a lie is a lie is a lie, the kid is lying! Of course he won't think so, for long. We see this a lot.

2:09 PM  

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