Thursday, January 06, 2005

Oh Yeah, It's the new year.

Now the 6th, I forgot to blog about my new years resolution.

My New Years Resolution:
I need to keep more of a schedule. Maybe it's a maturity thing. I always enjoyed having a day planner but it was always empty except for doodles that I made in school or old numbers of friends I never wanted to talk to.

I always liked having a calendar with special dates on it that make me feel important. Yet, whenever someone asks me, "What are you doing a week from Monday?" Other than the obvious answer "Work" I say, "After work, I'm just gunna chill" when in actuality I have an eye exam then I have to teach Kung Fu then, if I'm not too tired, I am going food Shopping. I would love to look in my little book and say "Nope, I can't. I have to go check my email for 3 hours." After all is said and done I just lose my little book anyway. Maybe I need a PDA(ie. Palm Pilot) that costs a little bit so I'll take care of it like I do my cell phone and lose it only occasionally.

In defense to the way I am now, I always have felt very strange about being attached to stuff like a little calendar, because if I lose it, I'm fucked. I write stuff in there and I forget it. I can't remember if I was supposed to pick up dog food or pay a certain bill.

Is this a good resolution? Is this considered being more organized? I don't know. Resolutions are just made to waste the first part of the year doing something your never going to get used to doing. I hope I'm wrong for once.

Chinese new years is 2/9/2005
Year of the Rooster (or Cock if you like that better.)


Blogger Dan said...

You know what I do? I put all of my appointments on my Outlook Calendar at work and on the Calendar on my cell phone. I always have access to one or the other. That way, I can tell you what I've got going on no matter where I am.

I'd consider myself pretty organized. Just not neat. Both my apartment and my desk are a mess, but I do know where everything is.

10:22 AM  

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