Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Behold, The Future.

"A trip of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

I sit here looking at these charts.

Charts of dots with lines between them. These little things represent the truth that is business.

I see how close these charts in business are to real life.

We have our ups and downs. No shit, Ryan.
But these dots can't help but burn into my brain. This is a reminder of where I was.

Sure you have a plan, where I should be by the end of the year.
Sure you have the projection, "going at the current rate I'll be..."
Seriously, what the fuck does it tell me?

I can sit here looking at this chart that tells ME where I'VE been and then tells ME where I SHOULD be. Wow, what a freaking stupid way to live your life? Sure they help, but who the hell wants to spend your life always looking at where we SHOULD be. Let's be happy with what he have first then we can look a stuff we don't need to buy later.

Rise up people and say "NO!"

How about NO, Mr. Graph.

How about I think about where I am NOW and how far I've come up until NOW. Then, maybe once or twice a year, i'll look forward and say "Hey, Mr. Graph, I think now is a good time to see how I'll be doing by the end of the year.".

Fuck you Mr. Graph.


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