Monday, January 24, 2005

Fake, Plastic Lives.

Throughout my life I've noticed a two types of people. Ok, actually three.

1. You like to help people because, well, they need help.
2. You like to help people because it makes you look good.
3. You don't help people because everyone is out to get your precious.

1's like the feeling of pushing someone out of a snowdrift.
2's like the feeling of pushing someone out of a drift because it makes him or her look strong.
3's don’t give a shit and would rather push someone into a snowdrift or be warm at home.

1's are nice people: Kind, caring, warm, and just generally nice.
Now, 2's are usually good people too but have a tendency to take things to far.
3's, well, that's a different story. Those people seem to be out for themselves.

I think all of us have fit into these three category's, or a mix of them.

What's your number? Mine. I'm a mix between a #1 and #3. Mostly #1 except when I haven't eaten anything and my blood sugar is low. Then I'm a fucking cranky bastard and would rather be a bitch and complain.


Blogger Dan said...

I agree with Happy. There is a #4. That's the people who help other people to feel good about themselves. I think that's where I fit in. That and a number 3, when I'm cranky. Or if it's someone I don't particularly care for.

Believe it or not, I can be pissed off.

10:08 AM  

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