Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Ok, I've considered it. Actually even planned it.
I'm going snowboarding. I haven't been since I was way younger.
Even then it was in the backcountry going down a huge back road being towed behind a four wheeler and avoiding cows or other various farm animals.

As I posted in some earlier blogs (ok separate thought. A comma should come next), since I hate winter (end of separate thought, another comma), I am trying to get out more to waste away as much time as possible(run on sentence).

The damned weather has been quite sucky. A balmy 60 degrees three weeks ago, down to a frigid -12. First it was no snow, then so much snow we can't drive. We can't seem to win.

If it stays in the mid-20's, the first weekend in February looks good.

It'll be a grand ol' time falling on my face, making a fool of myself and freezing my ass off (in that order).

Someone had a good point. I'm sitting here bitching about how cold it's been. Remember when we where kids? We would play outside any day, at anytime, in any weather until we were forced to come in.
Mid 20's, HA! That was freaking summer for me when I was 10.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I wonder if one can snowboard in the summer.
I'm just not a kid anymore and I hate the friggin cold.

12:30 PM  

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