Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Corporate America 2020

I had a dream last night it goes a little like this:

My good friend Dan invited me to a day of work, which seemed odd. He works at BigBank USA.

I said ok, which also seemed odd.

We drove to this huge building and walked right into an elevator. There was no front door-Just an elevator waiting.

This seemed like an ordinary elevator (with windows) but soon found out it wasn't. We packed in this bitch, the doors closed and a second later this thing took off like a freaking rocket but strangely silent. We shot up about 100 floors really fast and then went horizontal. Dan then explained that the building is split into sectors. His office was in sector 5g(I made that up cause i can't remember what sector it was in).

I don't remember the elevator stopping for anyone else. It seems as if it were only for people in Dan's department. The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

We filed out and I immediately notice how gray and dark everything looks. Seemed only lit by natural light from the huge windows everywhere. This type of light is one that will make people wonder why they come work each day or even why they are alive at all. Dan doesn't really look that way. He loves his job I remember hearing him say, almost robotically, everyday.

I follow Dan as he makes a right out of the elevator. I can see the far gray wall. On my left there are rows of synthetic leather chairs with little desks attached and headsets lying on the seat. Behind each of the chairs was another chair, back-to-back with the leather chair, looking less comfortable. I continue to follow Dan until we finally approach his "office". It was a virtual office I guess. He took his coat off, hung it in closet against the wall and I did the same. He sat in the last leather looking seat. I went to sit down behind him thinking, "Wow this day is going to fucking suck". "Oh, don't sit there." Dan interrupted. He continued, "Someone is already using that."

Great, just great. I have to stand all day. I want to break something. This place makes me want to hurt something.

I hear this annoying buzzing going off. I assume it's the alarm to start working. Dan lifts the headset from his seat gently and places it on his head. He then looks at me, standing there, and winks. Fuck him. I have no idea how I’m going to get out of here. The buzzing continues.

I notice this weird sensation I’m having in my body. Are they brainwashing these guys? It feels like I have four legs. Now, four arms. The buzzing continues and drives to the core of my very existence. Pulsating my heart to understand its disgusting rhythm. Light is fading. Louder. Louder. Are my ears bleeding?

7:00 am. My eyes fly open. Fuck, time to get ready for work.


Blogger Ryan said...

H&B, Hockey is an easy dream! C'mon you need some deep sick dream to be a real man!

Blu, You know, I've never been one to analyze the dreams. I guess I could. Or YOU COULD! Mua HA HA HA HA HA.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Sorry Joe. I'm confused. You mean I should have put "I had a crazy dream"? If that's the case, oh ok.

If not sorry I mislead you.

2:36 PM  

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