Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I love bird food. I've been vegetarian for a good oh, 2 or 3 years now. Once your past the initial shock of being without meat it's pretty easy. Well, for the most part anyway.

veg·e·tar·i·an - somebody not eating meat or fish: somebody who does not eat meat or fish but instead eats vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, and sometimes eggs and dairy products.

Notice it doesn't say “eats fish or chicken”. People, stop calling yourself vegetarian if you eat any type of meat. It's like saying you’re a runner when all you do is walk.

The problem:
Since a lot of people the past decade (or so) have decided to go veggie, why the hell aren't all of the restaurants following suit?
Look, just because people don't eat meat doesn't mean they're hippies.
C'mon, look at my picture. I have short hair, I'm (semi) clean, I have one girlfriend and I don't do drugs. It also doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't eat meat is doing it for a religious reason.

Ok great. Burger King offers a veggie burger, which tastes like cardboard with mayo and pickles. Other places for me (vegetarians)force you to eat a salad and fries. A fucking salad! Not even with good toppings. Most likely it's iceberg lettuce and maybe an olive or two. Woop-dee-doooo!

Do some research. It's not that hard to find vegetarian cuisine that is simple to make and tastes pretty good.

My rant for this week.


Blogger Dan said...

To be fair, it seems that when I come up, most of the restaurants that I go to with you seem to offer more vegetarian than non-vegetarian. That, and the non-vegetarian that they offer, I don't particularly care for. I'm not saying I hate all vegetarian food. Just most of it. As a non-vegetarian, I do prefer at least a little bit of meat with my meal.

You usually seem to understand. I just have a hard time finding food I want to eat at most of the places we go.

Best meal I've ever had in the Buff (my nickname for Buffalo), The Black and Blue Chicken at Off the Wall.

Well, that and those rediculously large burritos from Edritos.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am always confused by what constitutes a true vegitarian meal. For example if you ordered a burger and threw away the meat would that qualify?
Please reply soon as I am getting hungry.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

I double posted this message. So i got rid of the last one. NO CENSORSHIP!
Comment Begin:

In the order received:
Dan: We always eat good food. Kosta's, Romeo's, Lonestar, OCB, China Star. Where was the bad food again?

Mr./Mrs. Anony:
A true vegetarian meal is something that doesn't have meat in it. It's kind of hypocritical to buy a hamburger (meat and all) and throw away the meat. You then would be supporting the sale of meat which, in it's miniscule way, supports the making of meat.

Blue, if I had a newsletter and $20(Canadian, which is about $0.72 American.) this would be a completely different world.

One of the hardest things to do is stay healthy when you are vegetarian. You are either sick a lot or are always feeling tired. Anemia is a big thing. Though multivitamins can make a big difference. Iron supplements have a great effect on the

9:01 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

I was thinking the Indian restaurant. Most of the vegetarian stuff there has eggplant, which I don't care for. I will agree that most of the places we go, I do enjoy, however with my diet, it's gonna' be kinda' tough to hit those places.

Bahhh... what the hell. Let's go to OCB anyway.

2:59 PM  

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