Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I went to a "Stag Party" on Saturday. It was for a Student/friend of the Kung Fu school.

It wasn't really a party. Maybe it was.
It was mostly to raise funds for the wedding.

There was food, beer, card playing, raffles etc.

Two of those things I do. Cards aren’t one of them.
Luck and me don't see eye-to-eye a lot.

I mainly went to see our friend and support the wedding.

I got there and found I only knew 3 people. "Mr. Groom", "Mr. Man", and "Mr. No Ears". "Mr. Man" I wasn't particularly fond of. Not that he's a bad person just one of those "I read books and do lots of stuff, that noone cares about, so i'm superior" guys. It's very seldom I don't like someone anymore. I look past alot of shit to see the true person. Just one of those things, I guess.

After some time the four of us ("Mr. Groom", "Mr. Man", and "Mr. No Ears".) ate, drank, and started our cold, stiff conversations. We talked of the weather and spouted other bullshit to waste time until something more interesting happened.

The clouds started to roll in, lights flickered in random unarguable patterns and people head for the hills.

Beer started to flow and our shepherd, conversation, walked us to the slaughterhouse of politics and philosophy.

Fuck. Here we go.

Being a Martial Artist Student and Instructor there is alot of philosophy involved in your daily life.

I know people generally have their own, be it firm, position and I understand things can get a bit rough.

We get talking about the government and the freedom we have/don't have. I stated my point he stated his. The others stated theirs. Ok.. so far so good. Then voices started getting louder and tempers flared. We continued our conversation with darting eyes and raising temperatures.

I really try to step back from an argument to give time to think, regroup, and relax.

"Mr.No Ears" took everything said to him personally. He didn't seem to be listening to our side (Mr. Groom and I) My goal went from defense to helping "Mr.No Ears" calm down. Other people (co-workers) noticed his irritation and saw it as an opportunity to try to "lighten" the mood by poking fun at his point of view. Apparently he does this alot.

People got fed up with his constant "feeling threatened" arguments, got pissed, and left him to swim through his thoughts of anger. Me, the nice guy that I am, I stayed to help him finish his thoughts and try to make sure he knew "I'm not against you" and I promptly said my good-byes.

I knew that this was going to happen.

Ryan's Moral Lesson for This Week:
Don't waste your time on discussions that seriously can't be salvaged. Some people are so freaking sure that their point of view is better than yours that they don't listen and waste your fucking time.


Blogger Amanda B. said...

I could not agree more. If one persone is positive that their opinion is the only "right" one, then the conversation is doomed to failure.

Those kinds of conflicts really wear me out. I try to avoid them, but sometimes I just can't help myself. I'm a glutton for punishment.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Hey. It was a stag party. Did you expect nothing more than dry conversation and sitting around?

5:52 PM  

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