Monday, March 21, 2005

Being Ryan

Happy first day of spring!
I sat down a few times since Thursday to write part two and other posts.
For some reason I couldn’t get the words out. Was it writers block?
I don’t know. Maybe cause work has gotten crazy.
But, I do know that I feel sincerely bad for not posting at all.


I haven’t heard back from the guys yet. It’ll be a week tomorrow.
Actually I did hear from them saying that "I have a bunch of very marketable skills" and that "We will call you back soon". That’s it. This is like one of those date things isn’t it (not that I would know. It’s been over 5 years in April!).
You have a great time with a girl and the evening is over. A. You shouldn’t call too soon because you’ll look desperate or B. Call too late and you’ll look like you don’t care.
Great. I’ve just come to realize that everything revolves around woman. I guess I knew that though.

This weekend:

Saturday I went to a "Multi-cultural" night at a local college. It was pretty interesting.
Irish Dancing, Belly dancing, Traditional Indian Dancing, Non-traditional Indian Dancing, Chinese Tai Chi, These CUTE adopted Chinese kids singing BINGO, African dancing and, last and least, Lame fucking Karate demonstration.
Most of the acts were great. The Irish Dancing Troupe where absolutely fantastic as were the African Dancers (1 because I know the dance teacher and 2 because they are that good).
Now, the Karate demonstration:
Let me wipe the tears from my eyes. Tears of sorrow.
****Reading prerequisite****
About me
I am a martial artist. I have been training Kung Fu for almost 7 years now and I am still in love. The school I train at is a traditional (as in tradition) Kung Fu System.
About Martial Arts:
Kung Fu is a Chinese Martial Art.
Karate is a Japanese Martial Art.
Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art.
Muy Thai is a Martial Art from Thailand
KickBoxing "started" from Muy Thai.
The differences between them are great. Different lesson, different day.
What does this mean?
It means that what is taught is a life lesson. Not only a cardiovascular-great-workout-kick-stuff lesson.
You learn how to learn, be honorable, be true, and most importantly, drop the ego. Translation: It teaches you to be a good person as well as a martial artist. It’s no secret that those things, in themselves, are the true essence of martial arts.
****End of prerequisite****

I was quite excited about the fact that there was a demonstration up and coming. It was the last bit of the night.
Througout most of the night these three Karate guys were walking up and down the aisle before and during. Right off the bat I noticed the fact that they walked with a presence that they thought they were better than everyone because they had "Cool" uniforms on and they were black belts.
Sign number one that they were going to make me cry tears of sorrow: Pompous assholes.
They got on stage and the curtains opened. Three of them were standing there 3 feet apart with a weapon in their hands. The guy in the middle (who looked like Will Ferrell) had a Bo(a 5 foot stick), The guy on the right had Kamas (curved knife things on a stick), on the left the Asian dude had two sticks about three feet long each.
The lights went off in the theater. The backdrop was a bright blue. They had no faces or bodies. Just shadows.
Some stupid-ass 70’s song busts through the speakers in this acoustically sound place.
Sign number two that they were going to make me cry tears of sorrow: Bad music.
My memory gets hazy at this point. I may have passed out for a brief second when I realized that maybe I wasted my time.
The lights come up sharply.
I think they start throwing around their weapons and stuff trying to look awesome.
The two guys on the end roll offstage.
The Will Ferrell looking dude bust out some moves with the staff that should have impressed but were clearly unpracticed and a bit sloppy. He twirled his stick in the air and moved with, what he thought, grace. The stick left his hands and flew across the stage. That wasn’t part of the form. No it wasn’t.
I, as well as everyone else, gave him the benefit of the doubt by saying to ourselves "He’s nervous". I end up tell myself "I’m sorry Ryan they just plain sucked."
Sign number two that they were going to make me cry tears of sorrow: Bad Movements.
He Finally got off the stage.
The second guy wasn’t terrible. He managed to hold on to his weapons.
Third guy I assumed would be good because, well, he’s Asian. It’s in his blood right? Right?! Nope.
This kid was a mini Bruce Lee. Not good like Bruce, cocky like Bruce. Thought he was amazing and. Wasn’t.

I started to cry.. Literally cry.
Then they started the board breaking.
Ok. I’m going to stop. I don’t want to bash them any longer. I need everyone to know that what I just explained is NOT good martial arts. It’s not martial arts at all. It’s some bullshit that these kids think makes them look cool and I’m sure it’s against their teachers wishes because it really degrades martial arts as a whole.Don’t get me wrong. Punching, Kicking, doing flips, breaking boards and all that is great. It takes skill and persistence. But don’t think that because someone rips off their shirt slaps some StaticX and screams a lot is good. It’s all misconception. Don’t make Ryan look like an ass to those who know I’m a martial artist but don’t know me. You can not represent me like that. I like to think I represent you by being a compassionate, caring, helping and good person and NOT acting like an ass. Yes I can fight, kick high, break shit and throw weapons around but what’s the point if all I get is an inflated ego?

Thanks for your time.


Blogger ...just-rambling... said...

Interview: Did anyone respond to your "thank you for the interview" letter?

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a thank you letter is good, it reminds them that you're waiting! A call is good, too, but exactly when to call can be tricky, as you said.
I enjoyed the martial arts discussion, as I don't know much about it but enough to realize that it's not supposed to be a show-offy ego-based sport!

9:20 AM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Hope the job thing works out.
Martial arts are like marital arts. Both require great skill and no huge ego to do well.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Amanda B. said...

So. You would not be impressed by my home made version of Karate in which I can roll across the floor at lightning speed and with deadly accuracy grab a single testicle between my thumb and forefiner rendering my opponent completely paralyzed?

Good luck with the job!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Thanks guys!


On the contrary, I would be VERY impressed. I have been the victim of a attack not entirely unlike that one. I nunderstand the skill and pain that is inflicted.

2:42 PM  

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