Thursday, March 10, 2005


At what age did you feel the need to take naps?

When I first moved here at 18, out of high school, I lived with my sister. Sometimes she would take a nap.

I can remember sitting there wanting to do something, anything at all. Thinking that naps are the fucking lamest thing to do at ANY age. Ok, any age under 70.

It brought back memories of what my mom would do:
"Oh honey do you want me to drive you to your friends?"
"Yes mom, please."
"Ok, let me take a quick nap and a shower, then we'll go."

Great. Just freaking great. I'd have to sit around the house thinking about all the fun I'll have in two hours.

The house would be dead quiet. The phone was off the hook. This was before computers, I’d beaten all my Super Nintendo games and I don't like reading.

Wow. How fun. I get to watch TV for two hours during the day. We know how great that is.

As I got older I noticed I needed a bit of rest. I just didn't have the spastic energy anymore. I could pull all-nighters. I couldn't skip meals.

What's happened to me? I work my 40 hours, I teach Kung Fu, I fit training in there and I started to snowboard. I'm a tired boy!

Does Ryan need a nap!?

Holy shit, Ryan needs a nap!

What has happened to me?

I know alot of people who nap. At my age or older.

At the same time I know alot of people who don't nap. What's your secret? Do you just keep steaming forward? Is there no time? Too much coffee? Not enough sex? What?!

I, on the other hand, DO need a nap but I just don't have time. Ok, I do have time but don't want to waste it sleeping (as much as I love sleep).


Blogger Dan said...

HA! I can only wish I had the time to take a nap. But I don't, so I won't.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

finally able to comment...i frequently take naps in the day and im 26...and most days i don't want to get up...i would sleep 22 hours a day if I could...i'm that lazy...

6:22 AM  
Blogger ...just-rambling... said...

I never can nap during the day...unless you count the times I stare into the monitor with a glazed look in my eyes as a nap. (lol)

10:17 AM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I started taking naps in kindergarten and have never stopped. I'm actually napping right now.

10:18 AM  
Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

naps are the most beautiful thing life has to offer; i adore naps; naps are a gift from the heavens.

too bad i feel like shit about all the wasted time--

2:20 PM  

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