Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Old Blog Never Posted

I don't think I ever posted this. This was a blog I wrote last year in April. It was after a weekend at Dan's. I didn't really spell or grammer check this so good luck.

And................. Begin:

Hey Fans(of Ryan)!!

After years of Dan saying "When are you going to see my apartment", I finally gave in. Let me explain in detail.

I have a busy life.

Ok? It's a bit hard for me to drive 3 hours. But I must say that the trip was easy and rather quick.

Fans(of Ryan): Hey Ryan?! Why did you go to Dan's?
Ryan: Well, fans(of Ryan), I went there on a semi-whim. An old high school buddy of Dan and I'ss.s.is's, Greg Aldi, herein: Aldi,,,......
hold on-i'm a bit messed with grammer and punctuation.....

Ok... I think I'm ready. Aldi's girlfriend went to Syracuse about an hour away from dans and was going to drop Aldi off at "The Dan's Apartmente' " or Casa de Bucenenc as it was soon to be called. Long story short, I thought it'd be sweet if the aboys were aback in atown, I arrived on Friday night.

Dans Apartment, herein: "Casa de Bucenec"

Fans(of Ryan): Ryan!??!?!?!?!?! How was the Apartment herein: Casa de Bucenec?

Ryan: Three words-SW E ET! It is WAY bigger than his last cardboard box and it actually has a HUGE bathroom big enough for three guys to utilize it for puking purposes. It also had a sweet porch for smoking purposes, I mean weather enjoyment purposes. Overall, It was a really nice place, which made me jealous.... Jealous enough to plot something…something evil.


Fans(of Ryan): RYAN!?!?!?! What did you do Friday?

Ryan: Well, I got there around midnight and we were both tired. So, I got there and after my jealous rage ended I started to plot, evil things. Anyway, your question should be: “what didn't we do?” Well, we didn't smoke weed, or get hookers, or set up a meth lab. Seriously though, we didn't.

Fans(of Ryan): RYAN? RYAN?! RYAN!!!!!!!! What did you PLOT on Friday?

Ryan: I noticed Dan had a George Foreman grill--and a shower. You do the math.

Fans(of Ryan): I’m tired of yelling Ryan. What’s next?

Ryan: We watched some TV and seriously wondered what people saw sexy in soft-core porn, if that’s what you want to call it. It was more like really shitty acting with a girl dry humping the carpet. Seriously, who the hell really wants to watch two people basically gyrating on top of each other. There was CLEARLY no contact. It pissed us off and we slept. Well Dan slept, I plotted. I noticed Dan had an outlet next to his bed. I had some left over speaker wire in my car. You do the math. It turns out that I didn’t have speaker wire. I was too tired to plot anymore. So I slept, and dreamt of plotting.


Ah, Saturday: The best 4 days of the month. Awaking feeling repressed-I mean refreshed and full of hurtful things to get my revenge, Dan and I went to a local diner. Noticing Dan was in a car, driving and there were a lot of trees in this town, you do the math. We get to the diner 5 minutes later and all trees were still intact. Pissed and naked, I went into the diner and ordered pancakes and eggs and Dan got pancakes and Eggs.. AND POISON!!! Well, it turns out the poison I put in his pancakes was sugar I found at the table…. Next to the coffee and creamer. And I realized just then: I suck at this.

So we went to Dan’s Apartment, herein: "Casa de Bucenec" and we just chilled while I plotted. It was nice, Dan and I sat there watching TV and playing some games. I noticed Dan had a PS2 controller, which had a chord to plug into the PS2. I also noticed Dan had a neck. You do the math. By around 5 o’clock all my revenge attempts failed. Mostly because Dan’s couch was so comfortable that I didn’t want to get up.

Simultaneously Dan and I get a call. My call was from my younger sister herein: Brivis who would be there in half an hour, Dan’s call was from Aldi saying he would be there in a half an hour.

Dudes, it was so friggin sweet to be with these guys again. We Reminisced and hung out for a bit watch bit of Tom Petty(Old movie of ours), Brivis and her boyfriend Justin leave a while later with her permanently-stuck open-car-window and we decide to grab some BOOZE! We got Jim Bean Black for Dr. Pepper and Bean and a bottle of generic Kaluha for white Russians. After hours of music blaring, playing A-hole, being the A-hole and getting drunker by the second I noticed Dan had a bottle of generic bottle of Kaluha sitting next to him he also had a rag oddly enough sticking out of the bottle and located some matches. Do the math people! Turns out that alcohol doesn’t taste good on fire and I was too drunk to use matches anyway.
The drunken spinning hit us all pretty hard, we called it a night on the drinking and watched some Aqua Teen Hunger Force, threw up and passed out- not necessarily in that order.


Woke pretty early on Sunday. We went out to eat again at the diner. It was f’in packed. 10 minutes later we were sitting at a table eating close to the same thing.

Let me tell ya something about Sunday. It was a really lax day. We just sat and talked of the years past and years future. We talked of life in High School and some of the most memorable things that happened. I think I took away with me that weekend a sense of closeness that you don’t get everyday. Also a sense of revenge when I noticed Dan had a shotgun in his closet. But you know, hangover + loud boom = big headache.
Seriously though, It’s been so long since we got together and I finally found out how people felt about me moving and other decisions we’ve all made. What a great and unexpected thing that is. After a quick goodbye and a last attempt at revenge by blowing up Dan’s car(Which later I found out was Jim’s car, Jim is Dan’s Neighbor) I headed back to buffalo sad and happy at the same time. Let’s all thank Dan for a sweet weekend.

Fans (of Ryan): Thanks Ryan-We mean Dan!!!

Ryan: Yeah thanks Ryan-I mean Dan. I had a sweet time.


Blogger Dan said...

I actually did make a bio for this, but I never made the link active. I didn't really edit it either. You can see it at:


I'd make the link clickable, but that never seems to work in the comment section.

7:01 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Dan please surround your comment by the "shamelessplug" tags.

8:42 AM  

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