Thursday, March 24, 2005

It's Time

It's Time for me to shut up.

I talk too much. Why? Because i'm enthusiastic. Why? Ok, fine. I like to hear myself talk.

I talk too much and I get into trouble.

I really do wear my heart on my sleeve. I will generally tell you what I'm feeling at any given time with very little reguard to how you are feeling at the moment.

Take my interview for example. (Yes i'm still analyzing that.)
I'll try to generalize as much as possible.

  • I talk alot because I get nervous and I hope my intellect will redeem my current "conversation". "Conversation" meaning: You sit there and listen while I ramble on and on about how I'm good at this or that(pertaining to the situation).
  • I talk because I feel bad for not giving attention to something and I have to redeem myself(yet again) for ignoring that something.

  • I talk because I know that I'm a well rounded person who can fit into any group and learn anything that is thrown at me. I'm not cocky, you see, I don't like those types. Confident is ok. Not cocky.

I hope that's not how I come off. Either in my posts or in real life. Kung Fu has taught me a valuable lesson. The lesson is Being Humble. You can't think your the best at something. You need to be humble and understand that you can always learn. Noone is perfect. Perfection is a problem. Noone is perfect in everyone's eyes. We all have our own "vision" of what perfection is.

Ok, off the perfection topic. See? That's what i'm talking about. This whole fucking thing is a contradiction to my post. My post is contradicting my post.

I need to shut up a bit. Be reserved, don't wear my heart on my sleeve, be a bit mysterious, let people guess, be humble.

So forget the rest of this post and I'll start anew:

It's time for me to shut up. I need to learn that.


Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

we like you because your "confident"...I talk too much all the time - my friends constantly tell me to shut up...

thats how it goes, somedays you have tons to say other days nothing...i agree with Blue2go - you are being far too hard on you...

11:06 AM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I think I'm the perfect person to give you advice on whatever it was you were talking about.
So my advice is to quit being so mysterious and start sharing more. And try to talk more. You have a lot to share with people.
Hope that helps.

3:59 PM  
Blogger thtgrl said...

This is where you're supposed to talk! If anything to help you talk more away from here. If anyone talks too much it's me! But then it's OK, it's who I am and i like to get it out. Nothing wrong with talking. we want to hear you.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Amber Lynn said...

I don't think I could ever be mysterious. That is a high aspiration.

9:59 PM  

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