Thursday, February 03, 2005

Always Thinking.

I have a penny that sits on top of my monitor, stuck in a hole, standing straight up. This penny is an ordinary 1989 penny. A little dirty, a bit weathered and a shitload more traveled than I am.

Here I am, sitting at my desk, doing what I do everyday. Lincoln stares me down. We make eye contact. I turn my head away in hopes he won't be there when I look back.

Why the hell is he there? Well, I think I put him there last week in a fidgety rage. I have a tendency to play with anything at anytime when I'm not doing work. So most likely when I was standing up to talk to somebody I found Mr.Lincoln in my pocket and plotted this evil scheme.

As the weeks have gone by he has become a little place for me to go when stupid shit happens.

I take a look at him when I forget why I'm working. Not for the money, as you'd expect, but the freedom. I take a look at him while I'm annoyed. Not to make me think of the good things I could buy, but how much bullshit is worth. Less than 1 cent. And, ok fine, to make me think of the good things I could buy.

I'm sure it sounds dumb to some people but everyone has there little escapes. Some people have sexy thoughts. Others have a cross or relic.

I could be worse! I could have a Canadian 1 Dollar(loonie) coin up there but I don't want a fucking bird looking at me all day.


Blogger Amanda B. said...

I have a little Chewbacca action figure for the exact same reason.

I like the phrase "in a figety rage". I think I'll go see if I can have one of those.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

i have a red pom pom thing with eyes and a cat that i made out of blu-tac...each to their

4:46 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

I have a penny on my desk for a different reason. Every morning we have this thing called "The Daily Connect" where we go over our company's goals as well as our own groups. Well, everybody's usually half asleep as we read it, so one day, I offered a "mystery prize" to anyone who could tell me the subject of the Daily Connect about five minutes after we read it. One person got it, so she won the penny.

About two weeks ago, we received notice that she was leaving our department.

Last week on her last day, someone asked if they knew what the subject of the Daily Connect was, and for some reason, I was paying attention. Well, on her last day, I was awarded the penny that had previously been awarded to her.

Now I have to try it again, so that I can give the penny to someone.

6:58 AM  

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